info graphics - class notes

Graphs -

  • they represent data 
  • normally used to back up an argument or statement made
  • also used to show stats 

Graphical Sequences - 

  • explains process
  • supports information given on the page
  • step-by-step visual guide

Maps -

  • express geographical relationships
  • ordinal surveys (o/s)
  • show contour lines - representing the height of the landscape
  • shows rivers and lakes
  • shows roads and walk paths
  • normally gil sans is the font used on maps

Strip Maps - 

  • read in columns 
  • easy to understand 
  • simple

Glance Boxes - 

  • simple boxes containing key information 

Diagrams - 

  • visual instructions 
  • basic - normally black and white
  • simple layout
  • use of arrows 
  • magnification used in more detailed areas

we also looked at Minards chart and how well designed it is, even to this day. 
Minards chart is considered the best chart in history according to graphic statisticion Edward Tufte: 

Minard was a pioneer of the use of graphics and statistics. Most well known for his cartographic depiction of numerical data on a map of Napoleon's disastrous loss when trying to invade Russia. 


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