bristol signage trip

last week, as a group we went on a trip to Bristol to look at the signage that was on offer throughout the city. This trip was very beneficial as it help me realise how many types of signage were being used and the different ways you can portray signs. It definitely gave me inspiration for my ongoing project. Also I learnt that info graphics are being used more and more nowadays and we don't just rely on written road signs as much anymore.

This trip opened my eyes to a new way of thinking and showed me just how important illustrations and info graphics are in todays society. A well drawn and thought out info graphic is a lot easier to understand than a written sign, its something you can glance at and instantly know the meaning of. I feel sometimes we get lazy and will just write something down when intact we could be a bit more creative and use an info graphic or illustration to say the same thing but in a sometimes friendlier and easier way.

below are some examples of the different types of signs i saw:

As well as looking a signage and maps we got to see some Banksy artwork which was a really cool experience for me as i am a huge fan of Banksy and his work and most importantly what he stands for. 

below is one image i took of a Banksy piece we seen: 


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