
Showing posts from 2017

sign post and info board

below are my finished sign post (first image) and information board (second image). i wanted the signs to be made of wood as it shows respect to the surrounding countryside and forest.

leaflet designs

Above was one of the first front cover designs for the leaflet. i wanted to portray a natural feeling but very quickly scrapped it due to it not really fitting the brief and didn't suit Elgar.  above is the front and back cover for my second design. i felt this portrayed a historic nature trail by the earthy tones used and organic photos. i decided to go against this design as i felt is was better suited to a nature trail or something along those routes instead of an historic route about elgar.  above is my final leaflet cover design (front and back). the yellow on the left will be cut out around the black outline (malvern hills outline). the yellow is a flap which wraps from the back to the front meeting the edge of the title on the front. i felt this design was best suited and had a modern edge to it whilst celebrating elgar and the wonderful scenery around.  above is the different pages in the leaflet. the top image is of two separate pages.


below are two maps which were made by myself for the leaflet. the first one is a zoomed in section of the elgar route. i wanted this map to be different and stand out from the big map as it was going to be a smaller size in the leaflet so needed it to be legible and clear. the second map below is a map of the whole elgar route, as this one was going to be A3 size i had more freedom when it came to detail in the map. also as the bigger map was the one going to be used for navigation it had to be correct when it came to locations of towns and villages and routes the roads took. i am very happy with the outcome of these maps as it was something i had never tackled before. 


i have decided to add in icons into my leaflet, sign post and info board. the main reason for this is that by using the same icons it brings all aspects together and gives the route a sense of identity. below is initial sketches and below that are the finished vector icons. 

further developed ideas

i now have the final designs sketched out and in colour for my info and sign post. i now need to get them onto screen and fully render them.  below is a blank prototype for the leaflet showing how it will fold out. it will have a removable strap which you can take off. it will work like a book but the second page will fold out into an A3 map. i wanted to keep it legible and easy to follow but with a big enough map to help older people and younger kids read it. 

rough sketches and early ideas

Above are early designs and rough sketches for the leaflet, sign post and information board. Through experimenting with different designs, shapes and sizes for the sign post and info board i feel i have chosen the right final designs and i now need to further develop them. 

bristol signage trip

last week, as a group we went on a trip to Bristol to look at the signage that was on offer throughout the city. This trip was very beneficial as it help me realise how many types of signage were being used and the different ways you can portray signs. It definitely gave me inspiration for my ongoing project. Also I learnt that info graphics are being used more and more nowadays and we don't just rely on written road signs as much anymore. This trip opened my eyes to a new way of thinking and showed me just how important illustrations and info graphics are in todays society. A well drawn and thought out info graphic is a lot easier to understand than a written sign, its something you can glance at and instantly know the meaning of. I feel sometimes we get lazy and will just write something down when intact we could be a bit more creative and use an info graphic or illustration to say the same thing but in a sometimes friendlier and easier way. below are some examples of the dif


Current Historic Trail Leaflets: All of the leaflets are well designed and fit the style a historic trail would present but they all look the same, they all have the same colours, similar layouts and similar fonts used. I want to try and design something which still fits in with the historic trail persona but is a more visually stimulating and stands out over these boring leaflets.  I want to try and bring more photography into the leaflet as i feel the trail in which the leaflet is for is such a beautiful place that no illustration could really do it justice. For this i will walk some of the trail myself and take photos as i do, these photos i will then edit and include in the leaflet. Also using photographs brings a sense of maturity which i think this trail needs, i wouldn't want to try and illustrate the leaflet and end up with it damaging the character in which a historic trail has.  Below are inspirations i have found from other leaflets whic

Initial mood-board

Above is my initial mood-board full of inspirations that i have seen in person or online. All these images have given me some sort of inspiration for my project. I will be looking more in depth into everything but first of all i like to collate images that trigger a creative spark in my brain, which give me initial ideas. 

Main Brief


road sign task

Last week we were given this task. I chose to do the WARNING sign for a near by nuclear power plant as i felt it would be a lot more interesting and complete different to anything i had done before. Before i started to come up with ideas i researched existing warning signs and many follow the same forms. The majority of warning signs all use a triangle and as you can see from the variety of warning signs below they all use the same colour code and very simple pictograms.  For my design i wanted to adhere to these rules and keep with the triangle form, bright yellow and contacting black colour and also use clear/simple pictograms.  I thought i was going to find this task quite challenging as it was something new but i feel i produced a good sign and i am confident in my design.  below is my design for the warning sign to an upcoming nuclear power plant:  Below is my sign placed in a realistic situation for where it may be used: 

lesson notes

Wayfinding and signage design.  Wayfinding - a specialist design area that combines science, psychology, semiotics and graphic design skills. Human Navigation: landmarks - humans often navigate using landmarks for example, a hill/mountain, river, tall building this can help to give the person a rough idea to where they are or where they have to go. Types of signs:  orientational - maps, exploded views, plans, landmarks informational - time tables, industrial estate boards directional - navigation systems, hospitals, airports identification - labeling devices i.e. certain buildings, work of art  - statutory (regulatory) - rules, safety, legal notices - fire regulations etc  - ornamental banners, flags, commemorative plaques

Graphical Sequence task

For this task we had to pick out of a hat a Graphical sequence which would then have to go away and draw up. the graphical sequence i had was - From water to powered flight: the process of a water rocket, take off and landing.  Below is my graphical sequence which i came up with: Because this is a water powered rocket and can be built at home from scratch i wanted it look as if it was drawn up by a father for him and his child's elaborate weekend plan. A crazy sketched up dream! Also because it was only a water rocket i wanted it to look like a real life metal rocket which shoots out flames - as if a child has dreamt it up it needed to be simple with all attention of the actual rocket and process - not backgrounds etc.  I feel i created a good graphical sequence which clearly explains a water rocket process through imagery and minimal text.